Monday, November 10, 2008

Now what?

So now that the election is over, I do feel a bit let down. There's not a lot of buzz to follow, and now we have to concentrate on our real lives.

I guess that means I'll have to actually do work for school again.

My mom (who's a very conservative person) called me the day after the election to congratulate me on my guy winning. She's actually glad that we've got a president who seems to want to be everyone's president. She spent election night with a pro-life group and she actually defended Mr. Obama (and have you ever tried to speak well of a liberal to a really conservative person? It's not that easy!), even though she didn't vote for him... imagine that, mutual respect! Who'd'a thunk it?

So hats off to my mom for being cool about the election, even though her guy lost. I doubt I would have been so mature, and I think we all ought to be mature. But I digress.

I need to find something to obsess about now, and school doesn't seem to be it.

Oh, and I had to post this too, because I'm a mean person. I wish I could say where I found it so I could give credit where credit is due, but I can't, so please don't sue me if this is your artwork.

I respected McCain until I heard Palin speak. Her "real America" comments irked me the most, because it seemed to show a disdain for liberal and educated America. So my message to conservatives is this:

START ENCOURAGING SMART REPUBLICANS. GIVE US SOMEONE WE LIBERALS HAVE TO THINK ABOUT BEFORE WE VOTE. Stop giving us people who can't stand an education! Stop giving us people who have no respect for liberals! Give us someone that we can disagree with, but still respect! That's what's going to keep this country together!

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