Sunday, October 5, 2008

Since we last talked...

So my now ex-girlfriend (OK, there has to be a new word for that. She's not like the other ex-girlfriends I have) and I finally got together for the first time since we've broken up.

We went to church together (if you're into the whole Catholic thing, and you're in Milwaukee, check out St. Hedwig's on Brady Street), which was nice, then we had a chat at my apartment.

The really heartbreaking thing about the breakup is that we didn't break up because we hate each other. I still consider her my best friend. The reason we broke up was because she has no idea how to let herself go and just let herself be in love. It's not like she's cold, she just, I guess, can't let go. And she admitted that she's just as disappointed in that as I am.

But I guess we'll just have to be friends now. It was really nice seeing her, and I'll see her again soon.

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